Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Mighty Molly

Wow - what a morning! Molly had eye surgery this morning. Over the last few years, the doctor had hoped that Molly would outgrow the need for her bi-focal lenses. Since this didn't happen naturally as she grew, it was decided that it was time to surgically help matters along. Fortunately, we are under the care of a wonderful doctor who has performed this type of surgery hundreds of times. According to the doctor, all went perfectly, and we fully expect at the 7-day check-up to fill her new prescription for single lenses! Here's just a little photo commentary of our morning.

8:45am - Arriving at the hospital

9:00am - Look at my new jammies

10:20am - Off to get my eyes fixed!

11:00am - Wow, that anesthesia packs a punch

11:20am - I'm outta here!


Sittintall said...

Ohhh...I hope she has a speedy recovery, and that it wasn't too painful. We will certainly be thinking of her this week. But I'm sure she'll be very pleased with the results.

Kris said...

Awww...poor dear. She looks like she's ready to rest a bit. We'll be praying for her and her recovery. (that's why I love this blog thing...wouldn't have known otherwise!)

Get well soon, Molly!