Monday, September 8, 2008

The Five Benefits of Cleaning Your Kitchen

I have decided that for the next couple of weeks, I am going to spend my precious few hours of freedom each school day cleaning my house from top to bottom until the whole thing sparkles and is completely sterile. Therefore, I started with the most important room - the kitchen. Now, I'm still not completely finished (I'm not kidding when I say it will be sterile when I'm done!), but much to my surprise, I found five wonderful benefits of my new cleaning regime . . .

1. After hours of dunking my hands in buckets of cleaning solution, the tips of my nails are now shiny white and clean. Just a coat of clear nail polish, and I'll look like I spent a day at the spa!

2. I set the automatic cleaning cycle on my oven and returned two hours later to a sparkly new oven - and took the credit for cleaning it!

3. When cleaning out the snack bins that I hid all my goodies in, I found the most decadent chocolate truffles from Whole Foods that I purchased three months ago. And in fact, they taste almost as good as when I first bought them!

4. Easy Off isn't just for ovens - it works great on my stove-top and my vent fan filters. Grease beware - my Easy Off has been unleashed!

5. I can count scrubbing the counter tops and mopping the floor as my workout for the day (at least I keep telling myself that)!

Okay, enough of the yapping . . . I'm off to clean again!

1 comment:

Kris said...

You go girl! I love that feeling when everything is cleaned out. What a great way to start the school year!