Monday, September 22, 2008

Funny sayings . . .

Molly has been on a roll lately. She never ceases to amaze me with the things that she says. In all her comments, interject a good dose of attitude and spunk. Here are just a couple of things she has come up with recently. . .

Last week at football practice . . .
Me: Maybe we can go to get ice cream after football practice if you are really good. (yes, I do bribe my kids with food!)
Molly: Mom, I like the way you're thinkin'!

This morning as Maggie left for school. . .
Me: Bye, Maggie, have a great day. Love you.
Molly: Bye, Maggie. Love you. Oh (sigh). . . she's growing up so fast, isn't she?!


Sittintall said...

That last one was too funny. She is too smart for her own good.

Kris said...

What a cutie! These kind of things make me laugh out loud at my kiddos.