Monday, September 8, 2008

A Man and His Grill

After fifteen years of loyal service, our ol' Weber grill finally bit the dust. There's something so testosterone-laden about searching for the new perfect grill. It's not about color and style as women would generally look for first. It's purely about power - in other words . . . BTUs baby!! And our new grill has plenty of them . . . 42,000 to be exact. Enough to sear any steak or burger to mouth-watering perfection. Here's a little pic of the Big Daddy cooking up some of those manly elk burgers on his new "heated up to the max" grill. Now we just have to figure out what in the world to cook on that new little side burner that comes with it!


Kris said...

What a guy! Go BTU's! Elk burgers, eh? Will we be sampling any of these morsels at Thanksgiving?! Carey's got me into the venison now, too. I can hardly even tell our tacos once roamed the forest.

Buckeyemama said...
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